Password Standards

Passwords must have a minimum of 10 characters and meet the following criteria:

  • Contain uppercase letters
  • Contain lowercase letters
  • Contain numerals
  • Contain special characters
  • Can NOT contain a space
  • Can NOT have all numbers and/or special at either the beginning or the end
  • Can NOT contain your username or other personally identifying information associated with your account

Acceptable passwords might look something like:

  • $Mynewpw01
  • Cat&Mouse01

Unacceptable passwords might look something like:

  • Mynewpw$01 - You cannot have all numbers and/or special at either the beginning or the end
  • catmouse*01 - No upper case and you cannot have all numbers and/or special at either the beginning or the end

  • Passwords must change every 90 days.

  • Changed passwords must be different than all previous passwords.

  • After three failed authentication attempts the account will be locked for 15 minutes.

  • After twenty failed authentication attempts the account will be revoked.

  • Passwords can be reset after providing a current username, password, and correct answer to a security question.

  • Forgotten passwords may be reset via the Forgotten Password form.
